第二十八站: 西洋菜南街
DESTINATION28: Sai Yeung Choi Street South
DESTINATION28: Sai Yeung Choi Street South
西洋菜就食得多,香港既西洋菜街你又有冇去過呢? 想知更多西洋菜街既歷史同有咩好推介就快的碌落去睇下啦!
You may know what is Sai Yeung Choi (Watercress), but have you been to Sai Yeung Choi Street South? Would like to know more about history and what we introduce of Sai Yeung Choi Street South, please click to see!
點解呢條路叫西洋菜南街呢? 由於呢條道路既位置,本來係種植西洋菜既田地, 所以就叫西洋菜街。
Why this street call Sai Yeung Choi Street South? The streets were built on watercress in a village, so this is the reason call Sai Yeung Choi Street.
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電子產品 Electronic products |
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樓上書店 Upstair bookstores |
旺角發展,菜田當然會消失, 所以就變成呢條主要賣電子產品同樓上書店既亞皆老街以南鋪頭-- 西洋菜南街。
Because of develop in Mong Kok, the watercress need to be move out. The section south of Argyle Street concentrates shops of electronic products at street level and Upstair bookstores above.
Beside shop of electronic products, there are different kind of Cosmetics shops, Telephone services company, snack shop.
行人專用區 Pedestrian Area |
係2003年開始,該段西洋菜南街就變成行人專用區, 減免人車爭路情況,亦令西洋菜南街成為旺角一個重要的遊人點。
In 2003, Sai Yeung Choi Street South become the time limit pedestrian zone, relief vehicle and pedestrian road conditions. This street is a hot spot for Hong Kong people.
點解呢到會成為一個重要的遊人點呢? 水貨客、街頭表演、搵客既電訊商和收費攝影檔, 而呢的亦成為左西洋菜南街一大特色。
Why here's become a hot spot for Hong Kong people? The reason is there are many Parallel passenger, street performers, telecommunications operators photography gear. This also is characteristic of Sai Yeung Choi Street South.
但2014年開始,行人專用區靜係開放星期六,日。 因為街頭表演令到嚴重噪音污染,而且易拉架阻礙街道。
But start in 2014, pedestrian zone open in Saturday and Sunday due to Street performers make serious noise pollution, and easy-mount frames obstruct streets.
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72家租客 72 Thnants of prdsperity |
香港有套電影都係以旺角西洋菜南街為背景。而呢套片就係2010 年係香港上映既賀歲片『72家租客』。
Hong Kong also have a movie is set of the background in Mong Kok Sai Yeung Choi Street South. This movie is called "72 Tenants of Prosperity"which release in2010.
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搭建街景,仿真度極高 |
雖然呢套戲以旺角西洋菜南街做背景,但從未在此街拍攝過, 原因是因為係邵氏影城搭建左一個同真實街景極為相似既廠景, 仿真度極高,連港鐵站出入口同各個商店既設備都有。
Although this movie is set of the background in Mong Kok Sai Yeung Choi Street South, this movie have not filming in this street. The reason is the firm company building with real street scene is very similar to both plants, high degree of simulation, even the MTR station entrances have both devices with various stores.
點樣去? How to get there?
好簡單!!! 旺角地鐵站 D3 出口一出就係! Mong Kok MTR D3 Exit
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我地黎緊仲會介紹油麻地(油麻地、尖沙咀同旺角)既其他必去景點架 ♥
In the coming days, we will introduce other good destination for travelling in Yau Tsim Mong (Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok) ♥
-Edited by Leung Lok Yiu, Heidi
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations