2014年10月6日 星期一

好消息!由於反應熱烈,我們將推出「香港始終有你」系列,同大家細說名城 - 香港! "Do you love Hong Kong"?

好消息!由於反應熱烈,我們收到回覆希望我們講解更多香港事蹟。我們將推出「香港始終有你系列」! 我們決定順應民意一人一票選「香港風雲事蹟」,內容包括:

Good news! Some people around the world ask us to talk more about the history and daily topics in pearl city "Hong Kong". So, we would like to offer a programme called "We ♥ Hong Kong". There have some hot topics to share and discuss with you

1. 香港歷史事蹟        (History in Hong Kong)
2. 足球狂熱                (Hot Football Topic)
3. 經濟大事回故        (Hot Economy Topic)
4. 民生常談                (Hot Daily Topic)


We would select a  favorite won  in the comment share box and we would share and discuss the "Hot Topic" with you. So, "Do you love Hong Kong"? Please like the post and give some comments to become the favorite won! What are you waiting for? Take the chance immediately!

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