2014年10月26日 星期日

SPD4459 - [油麻地景點] 第十九站 – 油麻地警署 Yau Ma Tei Police Station


十九: 油麻地警署

DESTINATION 19: Yau Ma Tei Police Station

嗱嗱嗱~又有好野益大家!張相係咪好正呢?!想睇多啲? "閱讀更多"啦! Well~ We are going to share something to you! Is the photo attractive? Do you want to know more? If yes, please click "read more"!

~ 咪諗歪呀! 今次介紹既正野係油麻地警署呀!究竟佢有咩特別呀? 等我話你知啦~ Well~ Don' t think in a devious manner! We are going to introduce Yau Ma Tei Police Station. Any special about it? Let me tell you more.

油麻地警署於1893年設立,原位於上海街及眾坊街交界(今梁顯利油麻地社區中心),當時的上海街亦因此稱為差館街。1922年,警署遷往廣東道及眾坊街交界 Yau Ma Tei Police Station established in 1893, originally located in Shanghai Street and Public Square Street junction (now Henry G Leong Yau Ma Tei Community Centre), when the Shanghai Street also so called differential Hall Street. It moved to between junction Canton Road Police Station and Public Square Street in 1922.

油麻地警署以愛德華式興建,設計華麗,以突顯警察隊的權威。警署樓高3層,左右兩翼合成一個勾形建築;舊翼23樓原為開放式及以拓石支撐的迴廊,後來封閉以擴充房間空間。The neoclassical Main Block is built in Edwardian Free Style with ornate design, in order to highlight the authority of the Police Force. It is three storeys high while left and right wings synthesis of a hook-shaped building; The second to third floor of the old wing was originally open and to support the extension of the stone cloister, and later closed to expand the room space.

面對眾坊街及廣東道的警署入口因為風水關係,特意設計為鋸齒形狀。所以話呢,要睇愛德華式建築,唔一定飛去英拾國既,香港都有得睇啦! The entrance that facing Public Square Street and Canton Road specially designed for the saw tooth shape because of feng shui. Therefore, it is not necessary to fly to the United Kingdom to look for the Edwardian Free Style. You can see it in Hong Kong.

油麻地警署仲成日上電視添呀!係咪熟口熟面呢?TVB多部警匪劇集都係係度取景架,如劇集《學警出更》、《巨輪》等。 就連成龍和克里斯塔克出演的電影《尖峰時刻2》亦在此地取景。你都咪話唔巴閉~下次再帶啲猛料猛地比大家~
Yau Ma Tei Police Station is always be the scene on TV. Many cop dramas of TVB are shooting in here, for example "On the First Beat" and "Brother's Keeper". Even the movie "Rush Hour 2" which is starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker is also shot here. It’s ready great! We will introduce more favorable news to you.

《尖峰時刻2"Rush Hour 2"
《學警出更》On the First Beat

《巨輪》Brother's Keeper”


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In the coming days, we will introduce other good destination for travelling in Yau Ma Tei (Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok) 

-Edited by Ng Hiu Lam, Mandy
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

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