2014年10月20日 星期一

SPD4459 - [油麻地景點] 第十五站 - 油麻地玉器市場“Yau Ma Tei Jade Hawker Bazaar



DESTINATION 15: "Yau Ma Tei Jade Hawker Bazaar"


指的是美貌女子,也可泛指妻子紅顔“美女”! 書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顔如玉就是有了功名可以抱得美貌如玉一樣美麗美人歸。用現代理念去解釋,讀書就是接受教育,教育是社會的一個功能,這是用來勉勵讀書人學習的,也就是說要好好讀書,有了學識就等於有了財富和美女。同時,讓學生掌握知識學能,以投身社會,服務人群。

Chinese had a Proverbs said “Knowledge brings wealth, Knowledge brings beautify wife like Jade”. It means if you study harder, you will get a great future career and wealth. After being a successful person with high salary or wealthy, you would have qualification to get marry with a beautify wife. At the same time, a successful person would have a characteristic of being a good man and contribute back to the society.



The characteristics of Chinese lady like Jade. It has two sides to judge whether it was a good lady like jade. First, the color of jade must be clear and soft to the eye touching. Second, jade is easily to be broken as same as the lady’s heat. So, the personality of Chinese lady is always smile and embarrassing that it represents the restrained and traditional lady’s style.

油麻地玉器市場Yau Ma Tei Jade Hawker Bazaar香港玉器寶石交易的集中地1950年代初期,一批受國共內戰影響的玉器商人,從廣州移居到香港。他們原本是在廣州長壽路的玉器墟進行玉器交易,到了香港後,均集中在油麻地一段的廣東道開設玉器店舖。本來在1960年代初,玉器店少於10間,但到1970年,已發展至超過100間,散佈於佐敦道西貢街的一段廣東道。1972美國總統尼克遜訪華,掀起全球的「中國熱」,玉器銷量大增,玉器店舖一度超過300多個,大部份中低檔的玉器店均遷往新市場,而廣東道一帶則仍保留小量出售高檔及名貴的玉石首飾為主的商店,成為香港的一個旅遊熱點。

Yau Ma Tei Jade Hawker Bazaar”or “Yau Ma Tei Jade market”is mainly for trading the jade product market in Hong Kong. During the 1950's a group of jade traders from Guangzhou in Mainland China emigrated to Hong Kong and started business in shops on Canton Road in Yau Ma Tei. By the early 1960's there were only about 10 shops, but by the beginning of the 1970's the number of shops lining Canton Road from Jordan Road to Saigon Street had grown to over 100. Following US President Richard Nixon's visit to China in 1972, jade became a sought-after Chinese souvenir, particularly among Americans, and soon there were over 300 shops and street stalls in the area. In 1984, in order to maintain better control, a site under a road traffic flyover was allocated to house all the street vendors and became the Jade Market, officially known "Yau Ma Tei Jade Hawker Bazaar". This is a rather gloomy indoor market on two adjacent sites, Zones A and B, on either side of Battery Street. There are 340 stalls in Zone A, the larger site, and 100 stalls in Zone B.


The market sells a vast array of jade products, particularly costume jewellery, figurines, beads, chopsticks and various souvenirs of various grades and colours with starting prices ranging from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. For custom-made jewellery its advisable to take a photo of what is required. Buyers need to be something of an expert in jade to be able to judge quality and caution should be exercised in buying high value items. When purchasing make sure what goes in the box is what has been chosen and inspect carefully for damage. 


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In the coming days, we will introduce other good destination for travelling in Yau Tsim Mong (Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok) 

Edited by Yim Ho Lun, Alan (Sir)

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

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